This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#25 Nugent to get "the benefit of his views". He will then appoint the study committee with Mr.
doc#105 it a point to be there once a year". He will conduct two concerts at the Accademia di
doc#1 present term of office expires Jan. 1. He will be succeeded by Ivan Allen Jr., who became
doc#55 the Emerald Empire Kiwanis Club. </p><p> He will speak to Willamette University Young Republicans
doc#113 organic needs and go beyond good and evil. He will not curb his instinctual desires but release
doc#55 Multnomah County Circuit Judge. </p><p> He will attend a meeting of the Republican State
doc#3 resignation had been expected for some time. He will be succeeded by Rob Ledford of Gainesville
doc#148 switched on the lights she said: </p><p> "He will not always be indisposed". </p><p> "I know
doc#17 working on the Berlin crisis address he will deliver tomorrow night to the American
doc#55 Thursday night in Salem. </p><p> On Friday he will go to Portland for the swearing in of Dean
doc#25 the review, Mr. Notte said that instead he will take up the matter with Atty. Gen. J. Joseph
doc#19 child health field, the President said he will recommend later an increase in funds for
doc#19 ASKS RESEARCH FUNDS The President said he will ask Congress to increase grants to states
doc#19 research facilities. The President said he will also propose increasing, by an unspecified
doc#113 victim of an age of atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and
doc#148 heavy veil for a mask. When I show up he will know you are a good wife to have told him
doc#142 "I won't force Beth to come against her will . But I'm going to have my son". </p><p> They
doc#112 into the dark. As she goes, she herself will be illuminated. At the beginning of the
doc#27 town council last night as what is hoped will be the first step in obtaining a home rule
doc#148 <p> "I know. I was thinking about that. How will we work it out"? </p><p> "I don't know",