This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#102 Powern, or his deputies and their staff would occupy a balcony that stretches across
doc#102 there is also a gold phone. General Power would participate in the decision making. Wisman
doc#102 participate in the decision making. Wisman, below, would listen in and act. His consoles can give
doc#102 the real thing. </p><p> I asked Wisman what would happen if he broke out the go codes and
doc#103 . The landscape kept repeating itself. I would try to memorize landmarks and saw in a
doc#103 flies crawled into his eye sockets. A fly would crawl down the bulging forehead, into the
doc#104 them it remains a museum, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say a tomb, a tomb
doc#104 air, he said, was just right; a cigarette would taste particularly good. I really didn't
doc#106 return fare, but had trusted to luck that I would earn a sufficient amount, the young people
doc#106 country. </p><p> The ideal home, they agreed, would be a small private house or a city apartment
doc#107 and yet they had confidence that America would surmount it and that a republic of free
doc#107 oppose Aaron Burr's political ambitions, would have been a better actuarial risk had he
doc#108 Presenting an individualized Negro character, it would seem, is one of the most difficult assignments
doc#109 "Why, it's extremely interesting. But I would never have thought of it myself". </p><p>
doc#112 Godot", "Endgame", and "Krapp's Last Tape" would be hard to find. </p><p> "What I am saying
doc#112 not both present themselves to us, there would be no inscrutability. If there were only
doc#112 friendly. If there were only the mess, all would be clear; but there is also compassion.
doc#114 place other than the American South. It would be interesting to know how much "integration
doc#114 a moral right to a voice?), what voices would be left? Who is involved willy nilly? Well
doc#115 English. Of these there are surely few that would be more rewarding discoveries than Verner