This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 holding Jess's gun in his left hand. He drew back his arm to slash the gunbarrel across Jess
doc#144 Curt reached out and dropped Jess's pistol back into the holster. He retreated a step and
doc#144 been hit. He slammed into the wall, bounced back , and caught Curt with a roundhouse right
doc#144 handful of the man's shirtfront, and drew back his right fist. </p><p> "Tell me about Arbuckle
doc#144 and Jess slumped to the floor. Turning his back , Curt crossed to the stall, reached over
doc#145 Hap. "Got a lot to tend to, but I'll get back quick as I can", he assured her. </p><p>
doc#145 <p> "Nate"! he bellowed to the retreating back directly in front of him. </p><p> "I ain't
doc#145 and rejoicing to think that they were all back together again. But even a reunion as joyous
doc#145 the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other
doc#145 worse, Pa"? Dan asked Hez, who had limped back from his team to hold the notched-stick
doc#145 <p> "Reckon ye're right, Dan", Hez called back over his shoulder. "I'll shore be needing
doc#146 deliberately. He did not reply, going on toward the back . Less assured than the tall, wide-shouldered
doc#146 He said no more. </p><p> A hall opened in back of the bar, running toward an ell. Pat
doc#146 planted a sturdy knee in the small of his back , holding him pinned. </p><p> "Okay, Stevens
doc#146 </p><p> Leaving the card room, they moved back through the Palace the way they had come
doc#147 of sight, he knew Donovan would keep his back to the strip. He wondered where the superstition
doc#147 flights would be able to find their way back in this unfamiliar territory. He shivered
doc#147 ". </p><p> "Roger, Sweeney", Todman called back , and pulled his four in and slightly above
doc#147 "! Todman said over the radio as he came back up in formation. </p><p> Visibility continued
doc#147 up tight against the ceiling and led them back to their pass to home. Mercifully, it was