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doc#131 units, with religion as the dominant bond, even though spatially dispersed and not politically
doc#103 difficult and ambiguous kind of negotiation, even though the rancher was said to be expert
doc#124 nozzles. A satisfactory cloud was produced even though these nozzles were only about 5
doc#110 institution which the Southerners of 1787, even though they continued it, found so impossible
doc#113 undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish of devoting themselves
doc#101 concept not limited to the United States or even to the Western nations. A measure of its
doc#133 practically no protection. It must have hurt her even to walk, for the sole was completely off
doc#100 of loss the greater. Also, we should not even to-day discount the fact that a region
doc#22 that the new administration would react even tougher than the Eisenhower administration
doc#139 extended his hand to Powers. </p><p> "I won't even try to thank you". </p><p> The ex-prison
doc#44 . </p><p> Now, the picture is clouded, and even US Sens. James O. Eastland and John C.
doc#146 might hope to locate Gyp Carmer so casually, even were he to prove the thief. He tramped
doc#121 nonparticulate materials which give color even when present in very low concentration
doc#143 carried him on their books as a cowhand even while he was receiving a much larger salary
doc#128 emotions for therapeutic ends may not have an even wider application in the area of the neuroses
doc#122 degree of reproducibility one would wish, even with extensive efforts to prepare especially
doc#141 -- a test well in unexplored country. And even with her limited knowledge of such things
doc#103 same direction. They saw it before I did, even with my binoculars. It was nothing more
doc#111 ritualized. Yet often fear persists because, even with the most rigid ritual, one is never
doc#111 the human sciences which in themselves and even without political invention can help to