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doc#100 areas of states like Virginia and South
doc#140 boughs that stood like a medieval fortress
doc#134 their manes streamed like stiff black pennants
doc#145 I'd sure like to get in
doc#144 her a thing like that. Could
doc#142 neither seeming to like what he planned
doc#134 men, together like us, we
doc#144 would go up like a haystack"
doc#136 Aricaras treated us like friends. And
doc#104 long diminishing vista like a visual echo
doc#141 . Donna was like he was.
doc#144 . It was like hitting a sack
doc#148 smile that was like New Orleans sunshine
doc#126 history, we like to think that
doc#61 the sixth went like this: </p><p> Lumpe
doc#114 mine, who like myself grew up
doc#33 the people will like the truth and
doc#137 had known women like that, one
doc#139 Donald Kruger would like nothing better than
doc#82 <p> The owners would like each club in