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doc#130 growth. They must continue to satisfy
doc#130 Several related tasks must be carried out
doc#130 . These countries must formulate a comprehensive
doc#130 economy. They must in their planning
doc#130 number of sources must be employed and
doc#130 . Capital flows must be coordinated with
doc#130 , a balance must be effected among
doc#130 which democratic developments must take place if
doc#130 different perspective and must become skilled not
doc#130 which each society must generate. It
doc#130 the underdeveloped countries must have a realistically
doc#130 horizon. It must be marked by
doc#132 family, there must be an attempt
doc#132 to a stress must be handled through
doc#132 relationship the worker must demonstrate actual or
doc#132 The initial interview must be therapeutic rather
doc#132 stage the worker must communicate confidence in
doc#132 's clinical knowledge must determine how these
doc#132 , the worker must be able to
doc#132 financial aid -- must be reasonably available