This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#138 the ringing phone with studied negligence, then bark into it with gruff importance. What
doc#138 counter, offered me a seat inside his office, then walked to a file cabinet and got out my
doc#139 . </p><p> Barton waited for a long moment, then asked the question which lay always uppermost
doc#140 were being held responsible for his crimes, then hers must be the final act of expiation
doc#140 moment, she could not catch her breath and then , her breath returning in short, frightened
doc#141 off. "See that wildcat"? </p><p> She saw it then , the distant derrick of the wildcat --
doc#141 uppercut. A rabbit punch redoubled him. And then there was a numbing blow to the heart,
doc#142 before sundown. The herd was watered and then thrown onto a broad grass flat which was
doc#142 Give her time to miss you. Maybe she will then come to you. After all, you want the senora
doc#142 will be too much under his influence by then . I've got to take Danny away from Clayton
doc#142 , they'd heard the rumble of thunder and then , just outside Rockfork, they ran into rain
doc#142 porch that he became aware of them, and then it was too late. They closed in fast, kept
doc#142 breathing. He held out a moment longer, then his nerve gave under the pressure. </p><p>
doc#143 fire back at the mysterious far-off shot, then spent most of the day searching out the
doc#143 chest. He slumped against a log fence rail, then tried to lift himself. Two more shots followed
doc#143 Stockgrowers' Association meeting had leaked out by then , and as a grand jury investigation of the
doc#143 willow-lined creek about a half-mile off, then climbed down and began chopping. </p><p>
doc#143 rifle sounded. He looked around in surprise, then noticed that Fred Powell was clutching
doc#143 shoot-down". </p><p> He had lots of friends, then as always. Even as he became widely known
doc#144 haystack". He started toward the stairway, then turned to add, "Tell her to come to Adams