This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 revealed nothing beyond a ledge of rocks that might have been the rifleman's hiding place
doc#143 or a shoot-down"? </p><p> "Yeah, I can see that ", the friend was forced to agree. "But
doc#143 one thing I just don't think there is, and that 's a sportin' way o' killin' a man"! </p>
doc#143 range in the form of a single unknown figure that could materialize anywhere, at any time
doc#143 It is possible, although highly doubtful, that he killed none at all but merely let his
doc#143 is also possible, but equally doubtful, that he actually shot down the hundreds of men
doc#143 which his legend credits him. </p><p> For that legend was growing explosively, Rumor was
doc#143 price of $600 a man. (The best evidence is that he received a monthly wage of about $125
doc#143 -- his method was effective, so effective that after a time even the warning notices were
doc#143 notices were often unnecessary. The mere fact that the tall figure with the rifle and field
doc#143 rifle and field glasses had been seen riding that way was enough to frighten three rustling
doc#143 than once. He evidently couldn't foresee that it might be his downfall in the end. </p>
doc#143 dedicated crusade against a lawless new society that was threatening a beloved way of life.
doc#144 seem quite right, telling her a thing like that . Couldn't I just" -- His voice trailed
doc#144 add, "Tell her to come to Adams's room, that Adams is in trouble. Tell her to hurry"
doc#144 He paused only long enough to ascertain that Jess's buckskin was still missing and that
doc#144 that Jess's buckskin was still missing and that his own gray was all right, then climbed
doc#144 dropped to the ground outside. </p><p> The fact that Jess's horse had not been returned to its
doc#144 been returned to its stall could indicate that Diane's information had been wrong, but
doc#144 out the match. </p><p> It was certain now that Jess was in the house, but also, presumably