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doc#144 The horse continued to snort. Curt doubted that any animal belonging to Jess would find
doc#144 That's the stuff", Curt said. "Just hold it that way". He reached out to pull the door shut
doc#144 <p> Apparently sensing this, and realizing that it gave him an advantage, Jess became bold
doc#144 the shoulder, but Jess seemed hardly aware that he had been hit. He slammed into the wall
doc#145 wound in his head was itching, Dan knew that it would heal. But his only hat was something
doc#145 foot of Emigrant Rock was so overwhelming that , for a good minute after they rounded the
doc#145 could not speak at all. Then, with a glory that almost wiped out the deep, downward sags
doc#145 exchanging smiles, and rejoicing to think that they were all back together again. But
doc#145 Nor could they stop and find out about all that had happened until they made circle, tended
doc#145 for the Virginia Reels and square dances that were so popular among more worldly trains
doc#145 side among the ringed spectators, "don't that fiddle make you wish the Bible didn't say
doc#145 Methodists, neither", she replied. "Not that it matters to me, being this far along"
doc#145 her bone-weary legs, and worried about all that might have happened to Sally. And she was
doc#145 happened to Sally. And she was deeply thankful that she could see her now, out there in the
doc#145 completely and unselfishly glad, to see that things were working out the right way for
doc#145 the circle. </p><p> By now Harmony could see that most of the adults in the train were winded
doc#145 known in many a night. Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother
doc#145 having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the
doc#145 Dan's face. "How's Sally like rubbin' agin that thar little ticklebrush ye're a-raising
doc#145 honest-to-Betsy, I've seed more hair than that on a piece o' bacon". </p><p> The two tall