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doc#106 most was security; what they feared most was war or political instability in their own
doc#148 , which had been so much in my thoughts, was warm and moist and tender. I heard her
doc#2 <p> In the Blue Ridge meeting, the audience was warned that entering a candidate for governor
doc#137 cattle wouldn't stop to graze. But there was water. There was an artificial lake just
doc#142 reached Hondo Creek before sundown. The herd was watered and then thrown onto a broad grass
doc#41 half-brothers. </p><p> Their joint statement was welcomed by the Western delegations who
doc#146 hurried that way, not remounting till he was well below the level of the surrounding
doc#72 the lights are in order ... The infield was well flooded but the expanded outfield
doc#148 walk to the corner. I must say the figure was well made up. If it were not that I knew
doc#133 TOLD HIMSELF HE WOULD FORGET Ann Turner. He was well rid of her. He certainly didn't want
doc#137 that she was so pretty. But her prettiness was what he had noticed first, and all the
doc#98 after the death of her daughter in 1934. It was when he attempted to end the relationship
doc#143 a hero, as the same kind of champion he was when he entered and invariably won the
doc#26 Socialist Party in 1910". That, he added, was when he was "a very young man, a machinist
doc#136 man kicking a melon. Above me a dark rider was whipping his pony with a quirt in an attempt
doc#138 from my own part of town, its character was wholly foreign to me. Large warehouses
doc#61 's throw in an effort to nab Throneberry was wide and in the dirt. </p><p> Then Heywood
doc#138 nothing I'd ever seen before. Its front was windowless, but irregularities in the masonry
doc#147 his turn until the plane shuddered. Luck was with him. His burst held for a second on
doc#140 human time. At one and the same time, she was within it but still searching for the drawbridge