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doc#113 annihilation explodes on earth. </p><p> That is why the members of the beat generation
doc#124 control such an outbreak of disease. this is why this approach to BW defense has not
doc#104 Persians their history, but almost no one is willing to acknowledge their present. It
doc#114 Liberal who is personally affected, who is willing to send his own children to a mixed
doc#108 from its soil. Yet his concern even here is with a slowly changing socio-economic order
doc#134 That's what you wanted, isn't it? Clayton is with him, takin him out of the valley.
doc#103 that is just short of stumbling and yet is wonderfully graceful. It is a barely controlled
doc#107 made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his
doc#103 as the elbows and knees the second skin is worn off and I realized the aborigines
doc#44 scene a long time, no script from the past is worth very much in gazing into the state
doc#29 personal attack on a past president. "He is wrong to inject Eisenhower into this campaign
doc#105 with a twinkle in his eyes, "all you know is your music. But after all, you never learned
doc#120 as the field about which the first moment is zero. </p><p> Second moments of the spectra