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doc#147 of the engine that took him off
doc#147 narrow river valley that separated Leyte from
doc#147 Samar and hope that it didn't
doc#147 26 attack bombers that were headed north
doc#147 into the opening that showed against the
doc#147 He thought once that he identified the
doc#147 group of houses that Intelligence had thought
doc#147 across the switches that turned on the
doc#147 break-away that would not take
doc#147 not seem possible that they hadn't
doc#148 many people think that the primary purpose
doc#148 , her smile that was like New
doc#148 is. And that is the way
doc#148 I was aware that when our eyes
doc#148 , a body that an artist or
doc#148 and I felt that she knew it
doc#148 I became aware that she, too
doc#148 . I felt that her eyes were
doc#148 of my head that we had a
doc#148 He already had that slow pace that