This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 proposed. "If you spot Carmer give a yell before you move in". </p><p> Cobb's assent was tight
doc#146 he had not gone twenty feet in the street before Pat appeared. </p><p> "What luck, Cobb"?
doc#146 was now as somnolent and dull as the day before payday. Carmer himself was nowhere to be
doc#146 approach, was determined to drive him off before he could get into the fight. </p><p> Cursing
doc#146 draw. He had not covered a hundred yards before a gun crashed from somewhere behind. He
doc#146 shot after shot. A shot or two went wild before Cobb felt something tug at his foot. A
doc#146 side of the winding draw. The long minute before he reached effective cover seemed endless
doc#147 , with his main task to get any kamikaze before they got to the ships. Greg himself took
doc#147 cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before . But his hands and those of Donovan moved
doc#147 plane take off on a combat mission. Yet long before the scheduled time for return, Donovan
doc#147 from Samar and hope that it didn't close in before they returned. </p><p> Greg pushed the radio
doc#147 It was only a fifteen-minute flight, but before it was through Greg felt himself developing
doc#147 hung up, and he was miles from the target before he could get rid of it. Only one of the
doc#147 had the stick forward and the throttle up before he heard the two "Rogers". </p><p> The planes
doc#148 into his costume to keep the date. Shortly before nine I drove my jalopy to the street facing