This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 and his life at the same time. The land over which he sped was the land he had created
doc#135 main bunch is outside, but there are some over there inside the wall". </p><p> Mike debated
doc#135 knees, dragging her off her feet. He hovered over her to shield her, for spent bullets were
doc#136 year after year until the white people take over this land". </p><p> I remember being told
doc#136 why this company's important. Once we get over the mountains others will come along. That
doc#136 indistinguishable faces and bodies, hunched over their horses' heads. Gradually they emerged
doc#136 still above his head. As he started to slump over , another warrior swung him onto his horse
doc#136 like a stone and the young warrior flew over its head, bouncing like a rubber ball.
doc#136 frenzy. A rifle cracked; the square head fell over . One of the warriors suddenly leaped to
doc#136 gave a sigh as my knife went in. Coming over the wall he had seemed like a hideous devil
doc#137 load of supplies and trappings scattered over the ground, the two kids, the whiteface
doc#137 with the heavy harness, and finally went over to help him. Kathy was already in the wagon
doc#137 trouble. There were tracks of cattle all over his six hundred and forty acres. </p><p>
doc#138 us spat on the floor and scraped his boot over the gob of spittle I noticed how the clerk
doc#138 see his tie, knotted, ready to be slipped over his head, a black badge of frayed respectability
doc#138 my forms to be processed, I gave myself over to speculations concerning the hall itself
doc#138 disapprove of my frequent curious glances back over my shoulder. No sooner would I turn my
doc#138 pardon, he must express his astonishment over seeing a person of my background applying
doc#138 background applying at the hall. He had looked over my forms and was impressed by what he had
doc#139 against the uncovered head, hard. The man went over without sound, falling to the bare floor