This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 first seen it years ago, on those nights when he slept alone by his campfire and waked
doc#134 he's Gavin's son. You see, he lied to us when he said he was leavin alone". </p><p> Joe
doc#134 his impotence. Then he thought of a time when Clayton's horse had fallen lame in the
doc#134 remembered Clayton's mocking smile in the saloon when he had asked him what he would do if they
doc#134 never reach California. He was too old -- when he passed up and through the corridor of
doc#135 case you hit trouble. Watch out for Apaches when it comes daylight. Take the pistol. You
doc#135 bullet tore the earth from beneath his foot when he was a stride or two from safety. Another
doc#136 myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to
doc#136 at me with a knife. </p><p> It was a relief when they finally came. </p><p> They poured through
doc#136 between two warriors, who held him erect when he started to slump. </p><p> I forgot to
doc#136 The horses were only several lengths away when he fired. The bullet flung Gray Eyes from
doc#136 dust they raised made it difficult to see when the Aricaras charged again. This time more
doc#137 Let it burn down. And make sure it's out when you leave in the morning". </p><p> He was
doc#137 I said about that fire. Be sure it's out when you leave. That's all. I'll let you go
doc#137 Not yours. Mine. It must have got there when you fell against me". </p><p> She wiped it
doc#137 how things had turned out. That afternoon when they had pulled up in front of the broken
doc#138 job was only part-time, in the afternoons when nothing went on in the hall. Noticing my
doc#138 something of obvious importance to me, yet when I reached for the tickets he snatched them
doc#138 daylight entering through the fan vents when I tried to pick out whatever might be lying
doc#138 the toilet on the aforementioned occasion when the lights in that place, like the hall