This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 up. I made you a man". </p><p> "Yes, Gavin, you did". </p><p> He approached the horse and
doc#134 dry and cracked. "He's leavin. That's what you wanted, isn't it? Clayton is with him,
doc#134 is with him, takin him out of the valley. You can't" -- </p><p> "Keep out of this", Purvis
doc#134 He's not your brother, he's Gavin's son. You see, he lied to us when he said he was
doc#134 party. He treats her like she was dirt. And you stand by like a fool and let him do it
doc#134 Clayton had tricked them in the poker game. " You 're Gavin's son", Joe Purvis had said. </p>
doc#134 Purvis had said. </p><p> He turned to Lester. " You brought him back to this valley thinkin
doc#134 back to this valley thinkin he would help you find your boy. He meant to help Gavin all
doc#134 help Gavin all the time. He made a fool of you , Lester". He swung round to the other men
doc#134 jerked away. </p><p> "He killed Tom -- do you understand that"? Cabot turned back to
doc#135 Julia, seeing the bandage, rushed to him. " You are hurt"! she breathed. </p><p> "I never
doc#135 Susan and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you , my dear", he said. "You are very brave
doc#135 cheek. "Thank you, my dear", he said. " You are very brave". </p><p> Mike silenced them
doc#135 ride", he said. "We'll stampede the rest. You stay with the ladies. All of you be ready
doc#135 the rest. You stay with the ladies. All of you be ready to ride hell for leather". </p>
doc#135 "If this doesn't work out, the three of you barricade yourself in the house and talk
doc#135 McLish"! Susan said fiercely. </p><p> "The way you were careful"? he snorted. "Running around
doc#135 that"? </p><p> "Just me", Mike said. "Is that you , Bill"? </p><p> He located his man. The guard
doc#135 tethers. </p><p> Dean came rushing up. "Are you hit"? he demanded. </p><p> "No, but the fat
doc#135 no chance now of all of us getting away. You 'll have to try it alone". </p><p> The sentry