This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#101 control. In fact, however, both principles have always been nebulous and loosely defined
doc#102 thermonuclear war be set off by accident? What steps have been taken to guard against the one sort
doc#102 the danger increase or decrease? </p><p> I have just asked these questions in the Pentagon
doc#102 Air Force psychiatrist put it: "You can't have dry runs on this one". The experts are
doc#102 to hypothesize sequences of events that have never occurred, probably never will --
doc#102 more they know -- the more concerned they have become. </p><p> Already accidental war is
doc#102 to proceed to their targets. They, too, have fragments of the go code with them. As
doc#102 code with them. As Wisman put it, "They have separate pieces of the pie, and we have
doc#102 have separate pieces of the pie, and we have the whole pie. Once we send out the whole
doc#103 a degree, no more. A white man would not have seen it. The aborigines fastened upon it
doc#103 The aborigine lives on the cruelest land I have ever seen. Which does not mean that it
doc#103 which are hideous. They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries
doc#103 scuttling layer of sand. Such stretches have an inhuman moonlike quality. But much of
doc#103 Only there happened -- nothing. There might have been a pool of cool water behind any of
doc#103 -clumps: only -- there was not. It might have rained, any time; only -- it did not. There
doc#103 any time; only -- it did not. There might have been a fence or a house just over the next
doc#103 men died. And countless others like them have died. Even today range riders will come
doc#103 today is a difficult thing. Many of them have drifted into the cities and towns and seaports
doc#103 grease so that all of the objects seemed to have been carved from the same material and
doc#103 rubbing up against a man who's supposed to have a specially good smell. Idje, here", and