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doc#126 scale. By scrutinizing the flowers, one can also notice that the scale bears one or two
doc#126 -and-nectar mixture called beebread. She also builds one or two waxen cups which she
doc#126 they feed on the beebread, although they also receive extra honey meals from their mother
doc#127 those found in types I and III. One might also wonder if monkeys are capable of developing
doc#127 rats. Ellis, Grindlay and Edwards ('52) also were unable to find them in rats. Nakamura
doc#127 agrees well with our own findings in which we also failed to demonstrate normally occurring
doc#127 bronchiole. In type III the bronchial artery also provides blood directly to the alveolar
doc#128 emotions related to fight and flight and also on sexual functions. It should be added
doc#128 pathological states of parasympathetic (and also of sympathetic) dominance remain to be
doc#128 associated with changes in its balance lead also to qualitative alterations in reactivity
doc#128 and reflexly induced stimuli, but leads also to an autonomic reversal: a stimulus acting
doc#128 certain types of personality, but it is also known that the reliving of a strong emotion
doc#129 <p> Each generator, <lgr>, of <formul> is also exceptional, for each is transformed into
doc#130 world will not only lose our sympathy but also risk their own prospects for orderly development
doc#130 these rapidly changing societies there is also too little appreciation of the need for
doc#130 encourage effective land reform programs but also to underline the relation of such reforms
doc#130 , it may gain wide acceptance. It should also be recognized that the problem of rural
doc#130 is still needed in many cases. There are also more basic problems. This is the stage
doc#130 being democratic and free countries; we also have, in consequence, the duty to appraise
doc#130 become skilled not merely at response but also at projection. American and free-world