This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#139 a cigar in his breast pocket, passing it over silently. He too knew the agony of going
doc#139 said Dill, "but there's a trail you can get over with a horse. A company of cavalry could
doc#139 sections to make repairs more difficult. It was over an hour before their escape was discovered
doc#140 thoughts on her husband. If, when this was all over , she found the words to tell him about
doc#140 forest -- a solid being that clapped its hand over the murmuring mouths of the birds and the
doc#140 blocking her retreat. </p><p> She stumbled over the root of a tree that protruded maliciously
doc#141 -tough lot. How could he exert authority over them -- make them toe the line, as he had
doc#142 You too, Sean! Elena, you'll get mud all over your dress"! </p><p> Even as she called to
doc#142 were sitting on their heels, rider-fashion, over by the still empty calf wagon. Brannon
doc#142 listen" -- Macklin began. </p><p> "We'll talk over at your office". </p><p> "Brannon, I warn
doc#143 raided less often, and cabins and soddies all over the range were standing deserted. But there
doc#143 was clutching his chest. The hired man ran over to help his boss. </p><p> "My God, I'm shot
doc#143 tied upside down on their own wagon wheels over little fires until their brains was exploded
doc#144 the side of the stall. </p><p> Curt moved over beside the door and waited. Presently he
doc#144 two-by-four, either; one with blood all over it, Arbuckle's blood". Curt's fingers put
doc#144 aim was hurried; so the pitchfork whistled over Curt's head. </p><p> By now Curt was seeing
doc#144 he had behind them. They made Jess double over . When his head came down, Curt grabbed
doc#144 backed off as rapidly as he could, stumbling over his own feet in his frantic haste to get
doc#144 back, Curt crossed to the stall, reached over to untie the buckskin's halter rope, and
doc#145 said, shoving his bullet-riddled hat down over Nate's purpling forehead. "Me and you's