This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#136 waited for Montero. This time he delayed so long that some of the engages shouted frantically
doc#137 the reins and moving the gelding around so that she could get a better look at his
doc#137 went down on one knee, taking her weight so that some of the wind was driven out of
doc#137 time before. He had forgotten that she was so pretty. But her prettiness was what he
doc#137 a cow to get to it. The water was there, so much of it that it spread all through the
doc#137 that no grass could grow under, and places so steep that cattle wouldn't stop to graze
doc#139 turned to Kid Boyd. "Bury those uniforms so they won't be found". </p><p> Then Barton
doc#140 took Sprite the kitten under her arm -- " so that Auntie Grace can teach it about the
doc#140 might set for her. She must be cautious so as not to alert the scheming forest. </p>
doc#140 place after all. No wonder Melissa responded so completely to its beckoning. </p><p> Perhaps
doc#140 in a thick grove. The trees were crowded so closely together that their branches overlapped
doc#140 into steel bands that constricted her knees so tightly that they ached; stifled her lungs
doc#140 tightly that they ached; stifled her lungs so that her breath came in harsh gasps; clutched
doc#140 and sucked up the moisture in her mouth so that her tongue was dry and hard and stuck
doc#141 right statement. She began it deliberately, so that none of her words would be lost on
doc#141 (although he seldom found occasion to do so ), but he was more wiry than truly strong
doc#141 </p><p> Just nothing, she told herself. Just so darned sure of himself that he puts the
doc#141 amusement. "Not a danged thing but rattlesnakes, so I reckon I'll get the boss rattler to help
doc#141 respite of at least a few minutes. To do so would make his job well-nigh impossible
doc#141 . </p><p> Lord slugged him in the stomach, so hard that the organ almost pressed against