This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 seemed very pleased with himself, as though some intricate scheme was working out exactly
doc#143 his own rifle in his hands, and he threw some answering fire back at the mysterious far
doc#111 usually filled with an uneasiness that through some unwitting slip all hell may break loose
doc#121 helps to float off the debris and acts, to some extent, as a dissolving and solvating agent
doc#101 disparate lesser groups the nation has, to some degree at least, broadened the capacity
doc#101 Both concepts are undergoing alteration; to some degree they are being supplanted by a concept
doc#109 . </p><p> An approach that has appealed to some choreographers is reminiscent of Charles
doc#145 names seemed to make them feel closer to some kind of civilization when stumbled across
doc#110 comes to this, I shall prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of
doc#131 transcendent and supernatural importance to some values; for example, marriage as a sacrament
doc#121 mechanically held by surface irregularities to some extent. However, a major factor in binding
doc#127 group. </p><p> Lung type III (fig. 3) is to some degree a composite of types I and II. It
doc#123 The velocity value used is also open to some question; if a substantial fraction of
doc#130 adventures of all sorts. It may seem to some of them that success can be purchased much
doc#113 make a fetish of devoting themselves to some creative pursuit -- writing, painting,
doc#53 meeting at the Multnomah Hotel. He told some 350 persons that the United States' challenge
doc#143 summoned for questioning. </p><p> It took some time to locate Horn. He was finally found
doc#124 was disseminated from a boat travelling some ten miles off shore under appropriately
doc#139 their troubles. Ten years ago they blew up some of our ditches. It cost us a hundred thousand
doc#45 effectiveness of the governor in clearing up some of the inconsistencies revolving about