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doc#139 He had done time for the theft
doc#139 thirty days lost time to fix them
doc#140 shoulders warmly from time to time.
doc#140 from time to time . It was
doc#140 steps fumbled from time to time,
doc#140 from time to time , she chose
doc#140 short span of time allotted to any
doc#140 not think about time . That was
doc#140 sun and human time . At one
doc#140 and the same time , she was
doc#141 . After a time , he straightened
doc#141 for a long time , just waiting
doc#142 house for a time . Give her
doc#142 . Give her time to miss you
doc#142 But after a time away from you
doc#142 his son another time . He did
doc#143 a full- time job of cow
doc#143 , and each time he had accused
doc#143 be ready next time "! he
doc#143 again. This time Lewis had his