This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#129 we have just described. </p><p> To do this we must first show that every line which meets
doc#129 and so, under the assumption of this paper we must reject the possibility that g is a
doc#129 which g is a <formul> curve on a quadric Q, we first observe that the second regulus of
doc#130 tasks which they face. At the same time, we should recognize that the obstacles to
doc#130 intractable tasks at home. We should do what we can to discourage this conclusion, both
doc#130 actions on the world scene. When necessary, we should make it clear that countries which
doc#130 prospects for orderly development. As a nation, we feel an obligation to assist other countries
doc#130 world community. TRANSITIONAL SOCIETIES When we look at countries like Iran, Iraq, Pakistan
doc#130 institutions of centralized government exist, we find a second category of countries with
doc#130 effort as well as enthusiasm. Above all, we should seek to encourage the leaders of
doc#130 by honest appraisals of performance can we provide telling assistance. With respect
doc#130 leaders prefer to live with their illusions, we can afford to wait, for in time their comparative
doc#130 the economy is neglected. Simultaneously we should be underlining the interrelationships
doc#130 to being democratic and free countries; we also have, in consequence, the duty to
doc#132 peak -- either the situation will give or we will break"! </p><p> Direct confrontation
doc#132 theory and practice of preventive casework, we now address ourselves to our final question
doc#132 the quantity of time expended. </p><p> That we are experiencing an upsurge of interest
doc#132 the time-honored clinical casework skills we already possess, and to use them with greater
doc#132 utopian. Probably, in the immediate future, we will have to settle for middle-range efforts
doc#133 boy licked his dry lips. He asked, "Could we have a drink"? </p><p> Morgan jerked his