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doc#123 MEASUREMENTS OF MICROMETEORITE FLUX One can not make a very satisfactory guess about
doc#123 concentrations, and spatial distribution can be derived for regions of space near the
doc#123 micrometeorites in the neighborhood of the Earth can be estimated by extrapolation from radar
doc#124 unsuitable for hand-to-hand encounter. A man can be an effective fighting machine throughout
doc#124 the behavior of clouds of small particles can be illustrated by the following field trials
doc#124 450 miles. From these dosage isopleths it can be seen that an area of over 34,000 square
doc#124 locations, should have been increased. </p><p> As can be seen from Figure 2, an extensive area
doc#124 sampled was 23 miles from the source. As can be seen from these dosage isopleths, approximately
doc#124 circumstance whereby attack by a specific agent can be neutralized. It must be remembered,
doc#126 scale. By scrutinizing the flowers, one can also notice that the scale bears one or
doc#126 their hardworking relatives. Bumblebees can thus suffer severely from the onslaughts
doc#126 normally. Thus, the larvae of the intruder can develop at the expense of the rightful
doc#126 that of the truly colonial bumblebees and can serve as an example of the life cycle of
doc#126 the nomias or alkali bees. Nomia melanderi can be found in tremendous numbers in certain
doc#127 remarkably like that of man, insofar as this can be ascertained from comparison of our findings
doc#128 a vicious cycle develops. This tendency can be broken either by restoring hypothalamic
doc#128 reactivity of the hypothalamus. Similar effects can be induced reflexly via the baroreceptor
doc#129 </p><p> We observe first that no line, l, can meet its image except at one of its intersections
doc#129 that the only points of Q at which a line can meets its image are the points of g. Hence
doc#129 is interesting that a 1:1 correspondence can be established between the lines of two