This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 Stober's part in recent events. "Gyp Carmer could n't have known about Colcord's money unless
doc#137 gone into the trees, and waited until he could n't hear the sound of her horse any longer
doc#141 flattening blow to the stomach ... </p><p> But he could n't keep up with them. No more could he
doc#141 death, he scrambled to his feet again. He could n't see; he was long past the point of coherent
doc#133 idiot to let them stay he thought, but he could n't send them on, either. </p><p> "I could
doc#133 saw the expression in her eyes, he knew he could n't send them on. She said, "I guess the
doc#138 far to the rear the darkness extended. I could observe the two fans down at the end, but
doc#142 planned. </p><p> Finally Hernandez said, "I could offer you advice, Tomas, but you wouldn't
doc#140 . Atonement, if atonement were possible, could only be made at that sacred, sacrificial
doc#141 McBride had gone too far to throw in. Now, he could only play the last card in what was probably
doc#95 fastest submarine ever built. Reputedly it could outrun, underwater, the fastest destroyers
doc#138 what this dapper, slightly ridiculous man could possibly have to do with the workings of
doc#111 fall on San Francisco. Solar activities could presumably bring long periods of flood
doc#148 tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what a louse I really am.
doc#134 he had known. Against that other man he could rally his anger; against this bent man
doc#19 following discharge from a hospital. A patient could receive up to 300 days paid-for nursing
doc#112 human beings and with a kind of humor that I could reconcile neither with despair nor with
doc#37 Massachusetts. THREE GROUPS TO MEET What could rescue the bill would be some quick progress
doc#116 exclusively profit-motivated, a picture they could scarcely afford to present to the public
doc#103 life. Occasionally, for no reason that I could see, they would suddenly alter the angle