This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#104 II in the seventeenth century -- but they do retire into hundreds of pavilions throughout
doc#112 do not stand where Beckett stands, but I do see much of what he sees. As a writer on
doc#112 about distress. As if it were perverse to do so! He wanted to know if my father had
doc#116 arbitrarily out of mere power available to do so. If we cannot stop warfare in our own
doc#86 of the school boards in the State do not do so. State Senator Joseph A. Bertorelli
doc#141 knew (although he seldom found occasion to do so), but he was more wiry than truly strong
doc#141 saving respite of at least a few minutes. To do so would make his job well-nigh impossible
doc#134 there. Two men, together like us, we could do somethin fine out there, maybe find a place
doc#133 <p> "We got fired", Jones said. "We had to do something". </p><p> They were a pair of lost
doc#135 sentimental scenes with her. He might say or do something foolish. Something all of them
doc#8 "If you destroy confidence in banks, you do something to the economy", he said. "You
doc#137 . "Both of you. There's better things to do than listen to something like that. I'll
doc#139 </p><p> Barton said harshly, "Why did you do that"? </p><p> Rankin sneered at him. "What
doc#141 that pistol right now, Mis-ter McBride. You do that or take you out a permit right now
doc#106 travel around the world. We would like to do that too". </p><p> "But you want a job guaranteed
doc#112 cross. One day the dogs of Ireland will do that too and perhaps also the pigs". </p>
doc#137 I ought to use it on you, where it would do the most good. If you were a man" -- </p>
doc#117 rapidly and also cool off more rapidly than do the mountainous regions. Mare Imbrium seems
doc#114 right of superior virtue, Southerners ask, do the people of the North do this? The traditional
doc#112 too and perhaps also the pigs". </p><p> But do the plays deal with the same facets of