This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#75 man on the ball club". </p><p> This was the first word from Jensen on his sudden walkout.
doc#120 line, defined as the field about which the first moment is zero. </p><p> Second moments of
doc#44 be at a crossroads during 1961, with the first Democratic president in eight years in
doc#115 work was concerned with Sweden. With the first of a group of historical novels, The Charles
doc#132 hopelessness generally associated with the first stages of stress impact. Thus, the client
doc#135 booty and fired. He dropped a man with the first bullet. At the same moment Wheeler Fiske
doc#132 helpfulness immediately, preferably within the first interview, by meeting the client's specific
doc#17 his summer home on Cape Cod writing the first drafts of portions of the address with
doc#143 had left cattle alone after getting their first notices had received no second. But the
doc#67 explained. <crule2> FOOTNOTES: In their first three games, the Longhorns have had the
doc#146 headed for the door. Pat pushed through first . Forced behind him momentarily, Russ followed
doc#5 outright or whether notice would have to first be given that reconsideration of the action
doc#61 Robinson cut across to field and threw wide to first . It was ruled a difficult chance and a
doc#19 enacted last year should be given a fair trial first . </p><p> House Speaker Sam Rayburn [D., Tex.
doc#127 artery-pulmonary artery anastomoses was first noted in 1721 by Ruysch, and thereafter
doc#50 placed under the left front wheel. It was first believed the bomb was rigged to the car
doc#95 result of almost a decade of work. It was first tried out on a conventional submarine,
doc#117 </p><p> The radio emission of a planet was first detected in 1955, when Burke and Franklin
doc#29 Park Hotel. The controversial remark was first made Sunday by Hughes at a Westfield Young
doc#129 g is a <formul> curve on a quadric Q, we first observe that the second regulus of Q consists