This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 ; laughing at a dying man, laughing as a man was beaten to death. And nothing would
doc#142 Ramirez brothers were also along. The seventh man was Red Hogan, a wiry little puncher with
doc#142 one to either side. Macklin was the third man to come out, and he came unhurriedly. He
doc#142 in on him, crowded him from all sides. No man laid a hand on him, but the threat of violence
doc#142 you". He strode past the now frightened man , entered the house. Miguel and Arturo Ramirez
doc#143 anyone had been near. </p><p> Lewis was a man who had made a full-time job of cow stealing
doc#143 cursed at them and threatened them. He was a man , those neighbors testified later, who did
doc#143 miles from the unplowed land of the dead man lived another settler who had ignored the
doc#143 the way he took in cattle" his own hired man , Andy Ross, mentioned later. "Everyone
doc#143 Powell was clutching his chest. The hired man ran over to help his boss. </p><p> "My God
doc#143 searching for the assassin. He heaved the dead man onto the buckboard, yelled and lashed at
doc#143 Wyoming seemed proud to call him a friend. No man 's name brought more cheers when it was
doc#143 , and that's a sportin' way o' killin' a man "! </p><p> After the first two murders, the
doc#143 -law, Charlie Keane, moved into the dead man 's home, the anonymous letter writer took
doc#143 insisting he received a price of $600 a man . (The best evidence is that he received
doc#144 but Curt didn't interpret it this way. A man like Jess would want to have a ready means
doc#144 finish the motion. Pistol-whipping an unarmed man might come easy to someone like Jess, but
doc#144 </p><p> "Having all the guns makes you a big man , don't it, Adams? If we was both armed,
doc#144 're the kind of bastard who sneaks up on a man from behind and hits him with a club. I
doc#144 . </p><p> Curt managed to duck beneath the man 's flailing fist, and drove home a solid