This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#148 aware of a humid look in her eyes that told me the time was opportune. There was little
doc#103 glance toward the instrument panel. It took me a moment to realize what was odd about
doc#137 don't care about that, either. You took me by surprise. But I'll know how to handle
doc#115 whole. It slips away, it burns and tortures me . That little spark is all the wealth I
doc#138 tapdance routine any moment. But he came toward me sedately enough, showed me around the counter
doc#148 to be uncertain what his attitude towards me should be, but he did not say one word
doc#139 keep them off balance, and they don't trust me . I'm an outsider. When they learn you're
doc#136 sights. They were about a mile off; under me the ground quivered slightly. At first
doc#136 had seemed like a hideous devil. Now under me I could see him for what he really was,
doc#138 Though I doubted that he would understand me , I told the director my motives for applying
doc#148 surreptitiously. I felt that her eyes were undressing me as if she were a painter and I a nude model
doc#138 limited knowledge he possessed he forced upon me . In the mornings, I was informed, fluorescent
doc#138 ten o'clock. The clerk impressed this upon me : that I should not arrive in the hall before
doc#67 my place-kicking he thought he could use me ", said Moritz. "So I started practicing
doc#134 mean" -- he asked almost shyly -- "you want me to go with you, wherever you're goin"? </p>
doc#139 Rankin sneered at him. "What did you want me to do, kiss him? He dumped me in solitary
doc#137 creek finishing the dishes, if you want me ". </p><p> He found the pan where he had dropped
doc#144 lips uneasily. </p><p> "What is it you want me to do, Mr. Brenner"? </p><p> Brenner shrugged
doc#139 murderer lifted his head. "Meaning you want me to ride out"? </p><p> "You aren't one of
doc#134 paused wearily. "You can't stay here with me . It's late and you said they'd be here