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doc#136 time he delayed so long that some
doc#137 the gelding around so that she could
doc#137 taking her weight so that some of
doc#137 that she was so pretty. But
doc#137 was there, so much of it
doc#137 , and places so steep that cattle
doc#139 Bury those uniforms so they won't
doc#140 arm -- " so that Auntie Grace
doc#140 must be cautious so as not to
doc#140 wonder Melissa responded so completely to its
doc#140 trees were crowded so closely together that
doc#140 constricted her knees so tightly that they
doc#140 stifled her lungs so that her breath
doc#140 in her mouth so that her tongue
doc#141 it deliberately, so that none of
doc#141 occasion to do so ), but
doc#141 herself. Just so darned sure of
doc#141 but rattlesnakes, so I reckon I
doc#141 . To do so would make his
doc#141 the stomach, so hard that the