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doc#104 , fair folk who dwell on earth
doc#105 Leonard Bernstein -- who has this special
doc#107 with the men who made the nation
doc#107 the Argonauts" who had lived in
doc#107 stout controversialists, who could write with
doc#107 John Dickinson, who voted against the
doc#107 And Hamilton, who felt it "
doc#107 viewing a man who had made the
doc#107 I considered all who were not for
doc#108 humble old agrarian who mutters "yassuhs
doc#108 Modern writers, who are supposed to
doc#108 of city migrants who desert the farms
doc#109 the dancer, who moved with them
doc#109 . The dancer who never loosens her
doc#109 mechanism. Musicians who use the chance
doc#109 a lady, who exclaimed after a
doc#109 include the dancer who is to perform
doc#109 that a dancer who is told to
doc#110 sovereign states, who therefore retained the
doc#110 that the Americans who upheld the sovereignty