This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#139 dollars of the syndicate's money. He had done time for the theft. </p><p> The one thing they
doc#139 hundred thousand dollars and thirty days lost time to fix them. We don't want Barton's Night
doc#140 soft, caressed her shoulders warmly from time to time. It was not, thought Pamela, such
doc#140 caressed her shoulders warmly from time to time . It was not, thought Pamela, such an evil
doc#140 If, as she walked, her steps fumbled from time to time, she chose to ignore that omen.
doc#140 she walked, her steps fumbled from time to time , she chose to ignore that omen. If the
doc#140 mass would always dwarf the short span of time allotted to any man. </p><p> Pamela shook
doc#140 shook her head. She must not think about time . That was another one of those traps. </p>
doc#140 medieval fortress, eclipsing the sun and human time . At one and the same time, she was within
doc#140 sun and human time. At one and the same time , she was within it but still searching
doc#141 better to pursue his examination. After a time , he straightened again, brushing the red
doc#141 been laying for Aaron McBride for a long time , just waiting to catch him out of line.
doc#142 Brannon live in her father's house for a time . Give her time to miss you. Maybe she will
doc#142 her father's house for a time. Give her time to miss you. Maybe she will then come to
doc#142 Clayton will see to that". </p><p> "But after a time away from you ...". </p><p> "A year, Luis
doc#142 and he would come after his son another time . He didn't want to put himself outside
doc#143 </p><p> Lewis was a man who had made a full- time job of cow stealing. He hadn't even pretended
doc#143 first and second anonymous notices, and each time he had accused his neighbors of writing
doc#143 threatened everyone. </p><p> "I'll be ready next time "! he raged. "I'll be shootin' right back
doc#143 exactly the same thing happened again. This time Lewis had his own rifle in his hands, and