This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#148 -end, though he was easily sixty and she could not have been even thirty. She looked more
doc#145 they now were for her and for Rod. But she could n't, not yet. Not with the memory of her
doc#145 finding nothing but emptiness. And now she could see him, looking uncommon handsome, standing
doc#145 her soundly before setting her down so she could stand by his side while they jointly chose
doc#133 girl would go this far to fool a man so she could kill him. Besides, she had a sweet face
doc#137 and moving the gelding around so that she could get a better look at his face. It didn't
doc#145 Sally. And she was deeply thankful that she could see her now, out there in the midst of
doc#142 between him and his wife. She wished that she could talk to her mother about it. Not that her
doc#100 </p><p> It is hard to see how the situation could be otherwise. And therein, I feel, many
doc#145 By then Hez could see for himself, and so could the others. Soon they were all shouting
doc#140 She could not scream, for even if a sound could take shape within her parched mouth, who
doc#144 horse had not been returned to its stall could indicate that Diane's information had been
doc#11 to $15,000,000 the maximum loan the state could make to a local water project. </p><p> Cotten
doc#53 Economically, Martin said, the United States could best help foreign countries by helping
doc#99 around again, Simms said, before Stickney could turn north in Prairie avenue, and then
doc#138 the hall on my way to the toilet I still could not tell for sure how far to the rear the
doc#122 chlorine and not by the carbon tetrachloride could enter the reaction cell. Relative incident
doc#102 sidearms are manning the "commit buttons" that could start a war -- accidentally or by design
doc#141 'm told, and" -- </p><p> "Uh-huh. An' that could mean trouble with a fella that's workin'
doc#143 the form of a single unknown figure that could materialize anywhere, at any time, to dispense