This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 was raw fury in his eyes, and the veins of his neck were swollen. </p><p> "You're about
doc#132 needs, not only respected them as worthy of his attention, but immediately satisfied them
doc#76 <crule4> THE MODEST AND HAPPY Spahn waved off his new laurels as one of those good days.
doc#147 valley. He was about to make a gas check on his flight when Todman's voice broke in: "Sweeneys
doc#111 believe that what I do has some effect on his actions and I have learned, in a way, to
doc#146 the lead, Cobb followed alertly, a hand on his gun butt. The bartender measured this situation
doc#75 anybody, and has stayed away from newsmen on his train trip across the nation to Reno, Nev.
doc#141 absorber, and spring. </p><p> He went prone on his stomach, the better to pursue his examination
doc#145 outgrip me, Harmony". </p><p> With Rod on his way and Matilda visiting with Mrs. Jackson
doc#136 slump over, another warrior swung him onto his horse. </p><p> I squeezed the trigger. At
doc#4 by tax authorities. </p><p> Vandiver opened his race for governor in 1958 with a battle
doc#102 the SAC commander, Gen. Thomas Powern, or his deputies and their staff would occupy a
doc#39 Indonesia, Premier Khrushchev pulled out his pockets and said, beaming: "Look, he took
doc#145 must still have some backbone". </p><p> Over his shoulder he could see Max's loose grin
doc#145 ye're right, Dan", Hez called back over his shoulder. "I'll shore be needing ye both
doc#134 hoofs of Gavin's stallion. He looked over his shoulder at the thin dotting of pursuers
doc#138 his tie, knotted, ready to be slipped over his head, a black badge of frayed respectability
doc#89 said. </p><p> The younger son told police his brother had run from the house after the
doc#120 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES SAMPLES Douglass prepared his sample of <formul> by thermal decomposition
doc#144 of escape in case it was needed. Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding