This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#131 well-being services for which there is no other institution. </p><p> In addition to the functions
doc#131 often supported or been identified with other groupings -- political, nationality, language
doc#131 enforcement, sanction, and perpetuation of various other institutions. </p><p> At the same time that
doc#131 religion were more binding than any of the other controls exercised by the group; and in
doc#132 entire family. Inability to care for the other children, difficulty in feeding the babies
doc#132 of voluntary referral by the family or by other professional people. Similarities to the
doc#133 sliding one hand under her shoulders, the other under her knees, and carried her into the
doc#134 face of the man he had known. Against that other man he could rally his anger; against this
doc#134 fool of you, Lester". He swung round to the other men -- "We can catch him easy! There are
doc#136 the Nations. Hell, they were fightin' each other so hard they had no time for anyone else
doc#136 said firmly. "Let the savages kill each other . What do we care"? </p><p> Reverend Jason
doc#136 horse. Our rolling volley swept most of the other riders from their mounts. But a few reached
doc#137 was what he had noticed first, and all the other things had come afterward: cruelty, meanness
doc#137 he hoped that this time there would be no other sounds to interrupt it. Not tonight, at
doc#138 activity and excited me. The hall, on the other hand, appeared lifeless and deserted on
doc#138 hall. But it was not a tall structure and other buildings concealed it. For weeks I wandered
doc#139 into the paved square. There were three other men within this prison whom Barton would
doc#139 have liked to liberate, but they were in other cell blocks. There was no chance. They
doc#139 men, who would match the killers on the other side. </p><p> "Your choice", he said briefly
doc#141 how I got a busted front spring. On the other hand, howsomever, maybe you wouldn't either