This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#138 in the hall disturbed me. The clerk paid them no attention. This impressed me, until
doc#138 when I reached for the tickets he snatched them away from my hand. He couldn't afford to
doc#138 n't afford to have anyone mess around with them , he said. Each of those tickets was of
doc#138 and myself. I knew that three or four of them were almost always present in the hall,
doc#138 perhaps several times. He did not look at them now. As he lowered himself on the chair
doc#138 a college graduate himself, must envy me them . Was I sure, he asked, that I knew what
doc#138 moved beyond the counter, that the hall, to them , was a jungle, a dark and unwelcome place
doc#139 a bunch of ranchers onto horses, to call them Night Riders, to set out to attack the
doc#139 . Both hated Donald Kruger. It had drawn them together, and since his release from prison
doc#139 <p> "As mad as ever. But Kruger's men keep them off balance, and they don't trust me. I
doc#139 sold out to Kruger's men. He's informed them of everything you've ever written him.
doc#139 Bloomfield. It brought men out of bed and sent them into hurried conferences. For everyone
doc#139 dollars and thirty days lost time to fix them . We don't want Barton's Night Riders loose
doc#140 did not reawaken her fear. She regarded them as signs that she was nearing the glen
doc#140 taking definite steps toward grappling with them . A few days ago, she would have thought
doc#140 pacifist or killer, the forest would accept them all -- knowing that it could thrive equally
doc#140 slacks; tree branches snapped as she pushed them ruthlessly away from her. </p><p> Miraculously
doc#141 repaired there; sufficiently, at least, to get them back into town. A wildcatter had to be
doc#141 tough lot. How could he exert authority over them -- make them toe the line, as he had to
doc#141 could he exert authority over them -- make them toe the line, as he had to -- if he knuckled