This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 rifleman aimed a little higher the third time . A .30-30 bullet smashed directly into
doc#143 summoned for questioning. </p><p> It took some time to locate Horn. He was finally found in
doc#143 dawn and began their day's work. Haying time was close at hand, and they needed some
doc#143 soft wonder. "I seen a lot o' things in my time . I found a trooper once the Apache had
doc#143 spread-eagled on an ant hill, and another time we ran across some teamsters they'd caught
doc#143 up where Fred had left off and wasted no time on a first notice: </p><p> IF YOU DON'T LEAVE
doc#143 heartedly tended fields of men who'd spent more time rustling cattle than farming were lying
doc#143 that could materialize anywhere, at any time , to dispense an ancient brand of justice
doc#143 was effective, so effective that after a time even the warning notices were often unnecessary
doc#144 lifted Jess's gun from its holster, only this time he tossed it into the stall with the frightened
doc#144 trying to yank them loose. It gave Curt time to stagger to his feet. </p><p> The tines
doc#145 to, they didn't begrudge a moment of the time they spent seeing them go. 40. AT FIRST
doc#145 true guests of honor, did the Harrows take time to catch up on the news. No sooner did
doc#145 circle the farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line, "The farmer
doc#145 Seems funny that them Burnsides never took time to leave their John-Henry up thar". </p>
doc#146 this to sink in awhile. Then maybe next time he won't be so quick on the trigger". </p>
doc#146 him"? he asked himself. "It's the second time War Ax hands made a play for that money
doc#147 would always return. At the prearranged time , Greg started the engine and taxied out
doc#147 started the engine and taxied out. From the time the chocks were pulled until the plane
doc#147 combat mission. Yet long before the scheduled time for return, Donovan would be watching for