This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 Lord straightened him with an uppercut. A rabbit punch redoubled him. And then there
doc#142 after a time away from you ...". </p><p> " A year, Luis? Five? Ten? How long should
doc#142 office, a box-sized building on Main Street. A lamp burned inside, but Brannon, peering
doc#143 see the dust puff up in front of his feet. A split second later, the distant crack of
doc#143 rifleman aimed a little higher the third time. A .30-30 bullet smashed directly into the
doc#143 his secret employers their money's worth. A good many beef-hungry settlers were accepting
doc#143 repetition of the Lewis killing. </p><p> A detailed scouring of the entire area revealed
doc#143 victim's head as a sort of trademark. ( A detailed search of old coroner's reports
doc#144 , but Curt didn't interpret it this way. A man like Jess would want to have a ready
doc#144 Jess cursed again, and entered the barn. A match flared, and he reached above his
doc#145 Rod and Dan swung her up into the load. " A body would swear I floated right up here
doc#146 Carmer himself was nowhere to be seen. </p><p> A man knocked the roulette ball about idly
doc#146 wanted no part of it. He said no more. </p><p> A hall opened in back of the bar, running
doc#146 his shoulder. </p><p> The door was locked. A single kick made it spring open, shuddering
doc#146 floated to him across the brush. </p><p> A carbine cracked more loudly, and a slug
doc#146 and his attacker pumping shot after shot. A shot or two went wild before Cobb felt
doc#146 before Cobb felt something tug at his foot. A slug had torn half of his stirrup-guard
doc#146 had torn half of his stirrup-guard away. A second twitched his shirtsleeve, and he
doc#147 carried two five-hundred pound bombs. </p><p> A weapons carrier took Greg, Todman, Belton
doc#147 Greg took the formation wide around three A -26 attack bombers that were headed north