This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#131 firmly established, to resist change, not only in their own doctrines and policies and
doc#132 accurately perceiving the child's needs, not only respected them as worthy of his attention
doc#132 some suppression and some denial are not only necessary but healthy, the worker's clinical
doc#132 efforts. At certain critical stages, and only for sound diagnostic reasons, it may be
doc#132 possible to carry out this program with only a 6 percent attrition rate as compared
doc#133 Morgan demanded. "The town of Buckhorn's only about six miles from here. Why didn't you
doc#133 mighty empty country", Morgan said. "There's only one more ranch three miles north of here
doc#134 on the porch of the Splendide. It was the only thing in his life for which he felt guilt
doc#134 ride with them and they'll be back. There's only one way they can get out now and that's
doc#135 joined Mike. "All right", he said. </p><p> Mike only said, "Later". </p><p> "Be careful, McLish
doc#135 frantically. "You're lighter than me. It's our only chance now. Try to find these Feds. The
doc#135 His looting of the orderly room had taken only a minute or two and the vicinity was still
doc#135 peered from a loophole. Guerrillas were only a dozen yards away, charging the house.
doc#136 bastard Chambers! -- Old Knife's not the only chief he'll get to do his dirty work! Before
doc#136 nation, they have relied on their warriors only for defense and for survival in the endless
doc#136 ground quivered slightly. At first they were only feathers and dark indistinguishable faces
doc#136 but they held their fire. The horses were only several lengths away when he fired. The
doc#136 their ponies frantically from side to side only to be tumbled bleeding from their saddles
doc#137 The fire had gone down, and the man was only a shadow against the trees. But a moment
doc#137 and it would serve its purpose. There was only one place where Jake Carwood's description