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doc#137 him a long time to compose himself
doc#132 at the same time to encourage and
doc#139 thirty days lost time to fix them
doc#145 Burnsides never took time to leave their
doc#143 <p> It took some time to locate Horn
doc#142 . Give her time to miss you
doc#148 and give me time to paint I
doc#147 all Greg had time to see.
doc#144 It gave Curt time to stagger to
doc#140 steps fumbled from time to time,
doc#140 shoulders warmly from time to time.
doc#126 a sip from time to time from
doc#68 Isaacson) had time to turn around
doc#139 he had no time to waste now
doc#146 's the second time War Ax hands
doc#143 work. Haying time was close at
doc#148 told me the time was opportune.
doc#143 , and another time we ran across
doc#68 was the first time we've been
doc#103 heels all the time we were there