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doc#124 unique medical problems might be created when man is exposed to an infectious agent through
doc#103 obscured only a degree, no more. A white man would not have seen it. The aborigines
doc#140 musical evening laughter. Red man or white man , pacifist or killer, the forest would accept
doc#108 socio-political organizations of the white man . </p><p> The modern Negro has not made a
doc#108 Negro is easier to write than the white man ; but they obviously mean by this, not a
doc#111 the possibility for man to coexist with man . Consitutional government, popular vote
doc#131 addition to the functions of religion within man , there have always been the outer social
doc#81 way up there". </p><p> For a serious young man who plays golf with a serious intensity
doc#26 he added, was when he was "a very young man , a machinist and toolmaker by trade. </p>