This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#4 it approved will follow shortly. </p><p> Before adjournment Monday afternoon, the Senate
doc#42 at Scott Field in Belleville, Ill. </p><p> Before entering the service, Pfaff for five years
doc#107 independence and founding a new nation. </p><p> Before merging them into a common profile it is
doc#128 psychotherapy the latter mechanism. </p><p> Before we comment further on these pathological
doc#136 only chief he'll get to do his dirty work! Before we get through he'll have the Blackfeet
doc#139 Tie him up". </p><p> "Hell with it". </p><p> Before they could guess his intention Rankin stepped
doc#144 gun and clicked back the hammer. </p><p> " Before you try anything", he said. "Remember what
doc#145 father's wheels beginning to turn. </p><p> Before Harmony had a chance to reply, Rod cracked