This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#27 transferred the petitions from his left hand to his right hand after the council voted
doc#27 petitions from his left hand to his right hand after the council voted to accept them
doc#36 "It's 'See Joe, see Jim`", he says. "The hand is out". </p><p> A political scientist writes
doc#59 dead -- and His exaltation to the right hand of God. SUPER AGAIN ELECTED Friday afternoon
doc#68 or no mud ... End Gene Raesz, who broke a hand in the Owl's game with LSU, was back working
doc#103 n't know the place like the palm of your hand , you'd better use a compass and the speedometer
doc#104 young prince in a miniature dabbling his hand in a pool. These things are important to
doc#119 beyond the upper limit of the apparatus on hand . </p><p> The two fluids which gave the small
doc#124 effect, render this weapon unsuitable for hand -to-hand encounter. A man can be an effective
doc#124 render this weapon unsuitable for hand-to- hand encounter. A man can be an effective fighting
doc#124 there would be no epidemic. On the other hand , a similar attack might have been made
doc#127 developed respiratory bronchioles, on the other hand , appear to be the only form taken by the
doc#128 increased convulsive discharges. On the other hand , the temporary reduction in hypothalamic
doc#133 bleeding. </p><p> He picked her up, sliding one hand under her shoulders, the other under her
doc#134 down from the wall and it trailed from his hand , the stock bumping on the wood floor. Clayton
doc#134 </p><p> He approached the horse and laid a hand on the stallion's quivering neck. "Help
doc#134 ride hard we can take them". </p><p> Lester's hand fluttered to Cabot's shoulder. The boy
doc#135 stable lines. </p><p> A voice spoke near-at- hand . "Who's that"? </p><p> "Just me", Mike said
doc#135 </p><p> Mike took the bayonet from Dean's hand and slashed the picket line. "Up you go
doc#135 into the saddle and thrust the reins in his hand . </p><p> "No telling how good this horse