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doc#0 Judge Durwood Pye to investigate reports of possible "irregularities" in the hard-fought primary
doc#15 unity. </p><p> Research projects as soon as possible on the causes and prevention of dependency
doc#24 to outline his proposal at the earliest possible time. </p><p> East Providence now has no
doc#25 going to examine its Sunday sales law with possible revisions in mind. </p><p> Governor Notte
doc#25 study and come up with recommendations for possible changes in time for the next session of
doc#27 scheduling of a vote on the home rule charter and possible election of a nine member charter commission
doc#27 and report back to the council as soon as possible . </p><p> Mr. Martinelli said yesterday that
doc#27 being told that no tax increase would be possible without consent of the General Assembly
doc#54 that the board would cooperate so far as possible to get the children to where the parents
doc#54 -- on the local level, and it wouldn't be possible for everyone to rush to a school to get
doc#81 out of bounds on the opposite side. "It is possible that I over-corrected", he said ruefully
doc#88 program which should be corrected as soon as possible . </p><p> Councilman William D. Schaefer (
doc#97 office for a cut over his left eyebrow and a possible sprained knee. His losses included his
doc#102 war danger and to reduce it as quickly as possible . </p><p> The chain starts at BMEWS (Ballistic
doc#102 frequencies make the chain as unbreakable as possible . </p><p> The same principle of "redundancy
doc#105 There will be premieres of new works, made possible through Ford Foundation commissions: Carlisle
doc#105 , I am probably the only one -- with the possible exception of Leonard Bernstein -- who has
doc#109 change the quality. An exploration of these possible relationships constitutes the process of
doc#111 lacking, but where some explanations are possible , as with lightning and weather and earthquakes
doc#112 the play. Within this notion clarity is possible , but for us who are neither Greek nor Jansenist