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doc#1 Mayor Hartsfield announced that he would not run for reelection. Georgia Republicans are
doc#19 and that medical benefits paid out would run 1 billion or more in the first year, 1963
doc#29 Sandman, R-Cape May, said today Jones will run well ahead of his GOP opponents for the
doc#35 deny the reports that he had decided to run and wanted Mr. Screvane, who lives in Queens
doc#43 of investigation. </p><p> Street car tracks run down the center of Pennsylvania, powered
doc#48 man killed last Nov. 1 by Barnard's hit- run car. </p><p> The petitions will be presented
doc#48 pleaded no defense to manslaughter and hit- run charges, was fined $500 by Judge Warren
doc#49 central esplanade that would eventually run through the center of the entire two-and
doc#61 existed a 3-to-3 deadlock. </p><p> A two- run homer by Norm Siebern and a solo blast
doc#61 across with what proved to be the winning run . </p><p> Rookie southpaw George Stepanovich
doc#61 -minute contest. </p><p> The Orioles got a run in the first inning when Breeding, along
doc#62 the plate and bounced a third-inning two- run double off the left-centerfield wall tonight
doc#64 Jamaican, set a meet record in the 600-yard run in the Knights of Columbus track meet tonight
doc#64 one-week-old world record in the half-mile run . </p><p> Mrs. Grace Butcher, of nearby Chardon
doc#67 line and then uncorked a 56-yard touchdown run before retiring to the bench .... Wingback
doc#68 's looking a lot better, and he's able to run ", Meek explained. "We'll let him do a lot
doc#72 tallies. </p><p> The Bears added their last run in the sixth on Alusik's double and outfield
doc#72 the left fence for the third Indianapolis run in the ninth. </p><p> Despite the 45-degree
doc#74 field, drove in Jim Lemon with the winning run with two out in the last of the ninth to
doc#74 before 5777 fans. It was Gardner's second run batted in of the game and his only ones