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doc#11 defenders were mostly small -town legislators
doc#25 said. The small shops "must
doc#49 apartments, four small parks, schools
doc#49 center and several small clusters of stores
doc#81 it to a small boy, who
doc#88 also essential that small shopping areas "
doc#88 ... if our small merchants are to
doc#89 were adopted as small children by the
doc#103 were in the small area of shade
doc#103 big as a small apple. </p><p> The
doc#106 would be a small private house or
doc#107 resort to borrowing small sums from friends
doc#114 in a comparatively small area the chief
doc#116 control led by small groups of individuals
doc#117 their distances, small diameters, or
doc#117 .7, was small enough to allow
doc#118 30. This small pore size was
doc#118 since only a small region of the
doc#118 It is sufficiently small compared with the
doc#118 should also be small because of the