This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#0 the size of this city". </p>
doc#0 to remedy" this problem. </p><p> Implementation
doc#0 homes. </p><p> " This is one of
doc#0 receives none of this money". </p>
doc#0 funds might disable this program in our
doc#0 Failure to do this will continue to
doc#6 Congress does provide this increase in federal
doc#7 ever saw in this county". </p>
doc#7 order. </p><p> " This was the coolest
doc#9 better informed on this question, most
doc#11 . </p><p> Cotten construed this as a veiled
doc#11 Springs. </p><p> " This is a poor
doc#11 vote bonds. This would help the
doc#16 made statements admitting this "? </p><p> "
doc#16 . "What this amounts to,
doc#16 all fight in this case. There
doc#18 ward, argued this procedure constituted intimidation
doc#18 . He said this constituted a "
doc#18 the function of this court",
doc#18 had been scheduled this week to hear