This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#0 these funds might disable this program in our less populous counties". </p><p> Nevertheless
doc#6 legislator, said there "are some members of our congressional delegation in Washington
doc#19 malingering or unnecessary overcrowding of our hospitals. </p><p> "This is not a program
doc#25 with the continuous problem which confronts our local and state law enforcement officers
doc#27 through on it", he declared. "It has become our responsibility and I hope that the Citizens
doc#29 leadership is an insult to the man who led our forces to victory in the greatest war in
doc#33 </p><p> He said, "We Democrats must resolve our issues on the test of what is right and
doc#53 century to build", he said. </p><p> By leaving our doors open the United States gives other
doc#59 States every 1<frac12> minutes, he said " our organization has not been keeping pace
doc#68 think the big thing about the game was that our kids for the third straight week stayed
doc#69 defending league champions. </p><p> "Just our luck"! exclaimed Stram. "Buster would solve
doc#88 shopping areas "not be overlooked ... if our small merchants are to survive". </p><p>
doc#95 given the Kremlin a complete picture "of our current anti-submarine effort and would
doc#100 atmosphere would hardly be found. But in our case -- and neither my wife nor I have
doc#102 disaster? Is anything being done to increase our margin of safety? Will the danger increase
doc#103 he said sharply. Idje still stared over our shoulders at the horizon. The Australian
doc#107 reminded his fellow countrymen, that "with our fate will the destiny of unborn millions
doc#110 if only to see better how imperative is our need today to clarify completely our far
doc#111 evolution fits quite beautifully then with our suggestion that science has provided us
doc#112 sentences from notes made immediately after our conversation. What appears here is shorter