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doc#29 Authority, and making New Jersey attractive to new industry. DECRIES JOBLESSNESS Mitchell
doc#29 the Kennedy Administration for aid to meet New Jersey school and transportation crises
doc#29 faced with the immediate question of raising new taxes whether on utilities, real estate
doc#29 only have its origin in the desire of a new political candidate to try to make his
doc#29 proven he cannot answer any questions about New Jersey's problems. </p><p> "We have witnessed
doc#30 election reforms necessary to make democracy in New Jersey more than a "lip service word". </p>
doc#33 needs of the years ahead". </p><p> He urged New Jersey to "become a full partner in the
doc#33 . </p><p> "We must keep the bloodstream of New Jersey clean", the former Superior Court
doc#34 original GOP national committeewoman from New Jersey in the early 1920s following adoption
doc#35 political intentions, published in yesterday's New York Times. The Mayor said: </p><p> "It did
doc#36 election of President Kennedy has attracted new attention to the ethical climate of his
doc#36 Massachusetts public life. Day after day some new episode is reported. </p><p> The state Public
doc#40 than 400,000,000 inhabitants. </p><p> The new formula for filling staff positions in
doc#42 succeeds Martin Burke, who resigned. </p><p> The new promotion manager has been employed by
doc#42 advertising department. </p><p> He is a native of New Orleans and attended Allen Elementary school
doc#42 general merchandising and wholesale firm in New Orleans. </p><p> He is married to the former
doc#43 Gen. Andrew Jackson, hero of the Battle of New Orleans. </p><p> Moving past the presidential
doc#45 problem confronting Davis on any proposals for new taxes will be the charge by his foes that
doc#45 affiliations imprudently to profit themselves. The new year might see some house-cleaning, either
doc#47 licenses, permits and city services. The new fees are expected to raise an additional