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doc#0 to do this will continue to place
doc#0 a manner that will eliminate political influences
doc#0 enabling legislation that will permit the establishment
doc#1 1. He will be succeeded by
doc#1 announced that he would not run for
doc#2 Sen. John Tower will be the featured
doc#2 candidate for governor would force it to
doc#2 hurdle the Republicans would have to face
doc#3 time. He will be succeeded by
doc#4 The Georgia Legislature will wind up its
doc#4 money it approved will follow shortly. </p>
doc#4 . Vandiver likely will mention the $
doc#4 <p> The bond issue will go to the
doc#4 then the sales will begin and contracts
doc#4 which new bonds would be issued every
doc#5 B. D. Pelham will offer a resolution
doc#5 or whether notice would have to first
doc#5 of the action would be sought. </p>
doc#5 said his resolution would seek to set
doc#6 Jackson County legislator will ask the Georgia